724 research outputs found

    Poisson sigma model and semiclassical quantization of integrable systems

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    In this paper we outline the construction of semiclassical eigenfunctions of integrable models in terms of the semiclassical path integral for the Poisson sigma model with the target space being the phase space of the integrable system. The semiclassical path integral is defined as a formal power series with coefficients being Feynman diagrams. We also argue that in a similar way one can obtain irreducible semiclassical representations of Kontsevich's star product.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Lectures on Mirror Symmetry, Derived Categories, and D-branes

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    This paper is an introduction to Homological Mirror Symmetry, derived categories, and topological D-branes aimed mainly at a mathematical audience. In the paper we explain the physicists' viewpoint of the Mirror Phenomenon, its relation to derived categories, and the reason why it is necessary to enlarge the Fukaya category with coisotropic A-branes; we discuss how to extend the definition of Floer homology to such objects and describe mirror symmetry for flat tori. The paper consists of four lectures which were given at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (Los Angeles), March 2003, as part of a program on Symplectic Geometry and Physics.Comment: 30 page
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